You’re entangled in the political perspective
by RoccoGlobboSchoolForWomen (2021-10-19 10:18:40)

In reply to: What other policy is evil?  posted by mocopdx

And you don’t see that the policy should be focused on what results in the greatest care of the hospital’s patients. It should have nothing whatsoever to do with “bowing to the lunacy of the anti-vax crowd”.

Unvaccinated nurses are not a threat to sick patients. First, the patient likely already has Covid. The nurses that have been treating Covid patients for 18 months either already have had Covid (and thus have superior natural immunity) or have somehow been able to treat Covid patients for 18 months without catching it themselves. In the case of the latter, the previous procedures and policies (predating the vaccine mandate) must have already been extremely safe and effective.

If this policy is resulting in reduced care for the incredibly sick and vulnerable, which it almost certainly already has if the “nurse shortage” is true, then it is a tragedy.
