Even if his religious exemption was granted...
by StetsonDan (2021-10-19 10:45:48)

In reply to: Washington appears to be denying religious exemptions  posted by fontoknow

That's the dumb part of this for me, even if he was given a religious exemption (we don't know if his was granted or rejected), he wouldn't have been able to perform the duties of his job given the required accommodations under the Washington order (remote work until the pandemic is over).

To my mind, there are only two possible explanations for Rolo's seeking out the religious exemption:
1) his attorney has assured him they'll win on an appeal on this (no idea on the status of the law on this, but I would think it unlikely the 9th circuit would support him) or
2) he's willing to portray himself as a martyr on this.
