well ok, at least you are asking the right question there
by DBCooper (2021-10-19 10:46:35)

In reply to: You have no way to enact your “obvious solution”  posted by RoccoGlobboSchoolForWomen

its not let the nurses just work so that you dont know who is vaccinated, has natural immunity, or is just "lucky". Im sure a cancer patient would love to play that covid roulette. Will the nurses wear something to separate the vaccinated from the "lucky" ones? Will patients get to chose? That will work well. /s

No the nurses need to get vaccinated for 2 reasons, one of which you clearly state. The ones who are "lucky" can still get covid and then spread it to numerous other people (including other medical professionals they work with), and thus continue this stupid covid circle jerk we live in. The other is it shouldnt be the fault of a patient, in dire need of medical attention, to also have to worry that he or she might get covid just from going to the hospital. Even if they are vaccinated themselves, why take the extra chance, especially if they fall in a category where death rate from covid is high.

Nurses should know better. The question is how do we get them away from the conspiracy shit that is preventing them from getting the vaccine.