I agree its not a good formula, but how much longer do u go?
by DBCooper (2021-10-19 15:16:02)

In reply to: So you believe people should be mocked and shamed and  posted by tar

They have tried science, reason, carrots, anger, mandates, pleads. Nothing else has worked.

At some point enough is enough.

Its like dealing with my 6 year old when I tell her to pick up her clothes. I ask her nicely, she doesnt do it. I beg her, she doesnt do it. I tell her it helps out the family, she doesnt do it. I tell her other kids do it, she doesnt care. I offer her treats, she doesnt do it. I yell, she doesnt do it.

Now, I would never just give up and mock or shame her, but she is a child. She isnt an adult, supposedly a part of society.