The interesting movement for docs is hours worked
by vermin05 (2022-05-25 10:56:00)
Edited on 2022-05-25 10:57:24

In reply to: Docs have gotten squeezed  posted by KeoughCharles05

We do so much uncompensated work (prior authorization, multidisciplinary rounds, pressure to join committees, multiple family member updates, etc) and the work we are compensated for is so time consuming (charting) that a regular day for most physicians balloons to 12 hours a day that people get burned out. Doctors have railed for years about this and no matter what we do it just gets worse.

What I have noticed, and been a part of, is a growing movement by most doctors to simply side step this by going part time. Even though I’m a hospitalist (and do 7 12 hour days on, 7 days off) I along with most of the older members works part time. I’m a .9 which means I get 3 more weeks off a year, currently our hospital provides full benefits down to .75, and I plan to drop to that level in a few years. The issue is as more people do this scheduling becomes more onerous, and I suspect eventually there will be push back, but for now that’s the pressure release. It’s not just my field, I know clinic docs do the same. Time is increasingly becoming the most valued commodity for doctors.
