It's good with 3 kids in tow
by TCIrish03 (2022-08-08 16:32:42)

In reply to: I cant believe you eat there  posted by DBCooper

most of my summer Saturdays have consisted of:

-take kids to gym/pool in the morning. Drop them in learn & play while I workout, then take them to the pool for a couple hours while my wife gets a breather.
-Go to Sam's (the only Costco in town is 45 min away, while Sam's is 5 min, but same diff) for gas. Let them wash my windows.
-Shop at Sam's for food and booze for the evening's firepit. Usually it's a quick trip w/ only a few items.
-By now it's after lunchtime and the pizza slices are yuge, and the kids love it.