And sometimes it's also "internal PR" ...
by CJC (2022-07-15 10:39:31)
Edited on 2022-07-15 10:40:33

In reply to: And some were probably recruiting rather than evaluating  posted by SavageDragon

Making people feel included, etc., and perhaps more importantly, not slighted.

To me, there are two sides to this coin. In general, I'm in favor of hearing from as many people as possible as long as I'm not overwhelmed as the decision-maker; people are clear that I am the decision-maker (when that's the case, of course); and the candidate isn't unduly annoyed or overwhelmed.

(And to be clear, as others have alluded, I presume much of this does not involve anything that comes close to a formal interview.)

But sometimes, the sense of entitlement ("I should get to participate" "I deserve a say" etc.) brings out the caveman in me.

Don't even get me started on "shared governance."