Because of contracts ESPN will be a big player here..
by TWO (2018-12-12 13:09:57)

In reply to: Report that some power brokers now want 8-team playoff.  posted by gordonbombay

The current contract runs through 2026. So even though there is increasing sentiment for 8 teams, all the parties will have to agree with the changes before they can happen. ESPN may also have contracts with advertisers that would have to be revised.

Makes me wonder why the contract was so long in the first place.

The power brokers wanted it to be long
by gordonbombay  (2018-12-12 13:18:06)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

And to be clear, most of them probably still want 4 teams. These are a few voices calling for 8, not the majority.

I do think in the end, 8 will win out. 4 was never going to be enough for most people (I am not most people).