Non-nun females in ND commencement programs in late 50s
by domer4 (2019-04-20 14:14:10)
Edited on 2019-04-20 14:15:35

In reply to: Maybe she was a nun. There were a lot of them around then. *  posted by ProV1x

- see attachment for an example - there are some with MS in education.

But she doesn't come up on the ND alumni site - either married or maiden name.

Given when she graduated from college (1955) and when she had Martha (1964) - the nun route doesn't seem possible - otherwise she may have graduated with a "Mary Something" name and it's not linked to ND alumni directory. She would have had to do too many things - finish up becoming a nun, get a grad degree from ND, drop out of nun, find husband, get married and pregnant and have kid, all within 9 years.