She has a 7.5k annual scholarship
by Btd (2019-04-27 15:13:26)
Edited on 2019-04-29 21:52:32

In reply to: We chose College of Charleston for my daughter  posted by LeLuni

But the remainder is still 40k per year. The real “scholarship” there is they accepted all the high school AP classes and effectively cut one full year out of the equation. That’s 40k less I have to spend there. ND level schools would not accept most of those AP classes - because you need a 5 not a 3 or 4 for ND and also in general they accept less because the average student also takes those classes.

It’s been a fight every day there though. Dorms with broken elevators. Dorms with no air conditioning, rooms with black mold all over the walls, etc. Freshman must buy a 7 day per week meal plan. Clemson closes the dining halls on weekends though. Imagine that. No freaking food on weekends - but you have to pay for it!

They go out of their way to prevent taking required classes on time. Anything and everything to try and force you into going longer to graduate. Constant fights to get into classes needed to graduate on time.
