Ted: "Mommy I made a book. I'll read it to you..."
by mkovac (2019-10-16 14:17:18)
Edited on 2019-10-16 14:18:21

In reply to: I’m not sure. I am guessing that they may have  posted by cj

"First, here is a picture of Notre Dame Stadium. See all the angels on the Notre Dame sidelines? Pretty, huh?

And here is picture of Michigan Stadium. See. No angels. Sad face under the picture.

And, here, on the last page is what I wrote. M i C H I G AN S U C K S!"

See, Mommy. I'm a good boy, right?"

Mommy: "You are a very good boy. Now go out and play with your friends. It's your birthday, so everyone gets to hit the Skunkbear Pinata."