Take the time to update your email address
by Board Ops (2020-04-27 11:26:38)

We're all sitting around looking for something to do, so why not make sure your email addresses are up to date with us? Makes things like password resets a hell of a lot easier.

How do you do it? Easy peasy.

1) Log in to NDN if you're not already. Handle and password fields are in the upper right of any of our message boards.

2) After you log in, the Handle and Password fields are replaced with a link that says "Manage Your Account". Click on that link.

3) The resulting page will show your current Registered and Contact email. To their right are links to provide updates. The forms will ask for your current address, you should be able to get those from the page you're on.

Remember, your contact email can be any kind of address, but your registered email must be a non-free mailbox provider. At the very least, you want to make sure your contact email is up to date.