I think I have the source of the alleged four-TD spread.
by G.K.Chesterton (2020-07-10 16:25:09)
Edited on 2020-07-10 16:29:58

In reply to: Off the front page  posted by olson

From an excellent 1990 Los Angeles Times article on the game (bolding mine):

Notre Dame boarded a train in Chicago on Sunday, Dec. 1, and headed west. The night before, Rockne and his quarterback, All-American Frank Carideo, were interviewed on a radio show broadcast to Los Angeles. Bemoaning the loss of his first- and second-string fullbacks, Rockne said:

“I’m afraid we’re going to take a beating from Southern California next Saturday in Los Angeles. I am willing to wager we will not be defeated by four touchdowns, as some Los Angeles newspapermen have predicted,
but if we can hold the Trojans to a two-touchdown difference we’ll go home feeling pretty good.”

An L.A. Times headline the next day said: “Knute Sees Defeat for Irish Team.”

Another read: “Battered Irish Team on Way to Los Angeles.”

Times writer Dick Hyland had sent a postcard to Grantland Rice, predicting that USC would win by four touchdowns. Rice gave it to Rockne, who showed it to his players.
