Thanks, interesting backstory.
by PLAC2DAY (click here to email the poster) (2022-01-25 23:08:28)

In reply to: Yes he lived in Redding at that time  posted by MBOIrish

We lived in Ridgefield for about 20 years before moving back to South Bend. Our daughter was at Ridgefield High School back then but had friends at other local high schools. We’ve been Meatloaf fans forever, and always heard good things about him from people who knew him. Of course, there were celebrities everywhere in that part of the state. Robert Vaughn, Judy Collins, and David Cassidy were in Ridgefield, and others were scattered here and there. I remember Jose Feliciano singing in Georgetown. I was shopping at Ancona’s one evening and spotted Dick Morris in one aisle and Mary Travers in another.