the most important note in your post
by jt (2024-03-27 13:43:21)

In reply to: It'll probably be a shit show at first...  posted by Bacchus

the league will protect offensive players.

I do agree that the qb's needed to be protected from low hits; John Teerlinck was famous for actually teaching guys to do that when he was the DL coach in MN and it's one of the reasons that I dislike the Vikings to this day. It finally got so bad that when he had moved onto Detroit and kept teaching it, the league called him in for a meeting to tell him to knock it off. Still, it wasn't outlawed for another 10 years.

The full force on the qb is very tough to call properly and almost never is. It's a terrible rule and it's only a rule because Aaron Rodgers acted like a baby. The defenseless receiver rule is also tough to call but I understand why it is needed and I support it.

I do not believe that this hip swivel drop tackle is taught. Maybe I'm wrong. I also don't believe that it is always intentional; sometimes a big TE catches the ball over the middle and the pursuit coming from the side catches up but he drags them along and in the process, said pursuit loses his feet. His choice now appears to be to either let go and let him gain more yards/score or get a 15 yard penalty for using his body weight to take the guy down.

These assholes can't even call holding, and we're going way too far with this rule, IMO. Football is a dangerous game, I completely know and understand that. You can't try and make it danger free and still keep the essence of the game.