It is a nice heart felt letter from a father
by KnightlyRevue (2018-01-10 18:14:27)
Edited on 2018-01-10 18:17:40

In reply to: Interesting letter from QN's dad  posted by El Kabong

who clearly loves his son. In that context, I am glad I read it.

Having said that, I do not agree with a few of his points as I consider them to be meaningless pablum meant to justify the putrid record of a mediocre coach. Golly Gee, Kelly got up at 4am and went to player lifts and ate lunch with the lads...sometimes even dinner! Wowsers, what a changed man.

Unfortunately, he is still a shitty football coach with a full Rolodex of excuses that demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of Notre Dame and its historical significance in college football. No coats of paint, Adzillatrons, additional squat stations, sequestration of football players, plastic grass or well meaning letters is going to change that. Such is life.
