It seems to have helped him go 13-0 last year.
by Papa November (2018-03-17 23:47:36)
Edited on 2018-03-17 23:48:28

In reply to: Oh God help us. More pussification of life. That'll help. *  posted by MD1997

I played football for 14 years: 2 pop warner, 4 high school, 4 Notre Dame, 4 professional (Arena). Not once did a coach yelling at me ever help me perform better. Not once did a coach yelling at me provide me with information about my fuck-up that I didn't already possess the moment I fucked up. But I remember how much better I played that one time Greg Mattison pulled me aside and told me that he believed in me and that it didn't matter to him that I was a walk-on.

Yes, "That one time." And I think he was full of shit and made it up on the spot. It didn't matter. I still played better. And although I'm biased, I don't think I'm a pussy.