I am very skeptical of this AD hire
by ACross (2023-06-09 12:57:11)

It is pure Swarbrick to try to control from the grave. Ditto, Jenkins.

I know nothing about this guy other than I think it is fair to presume that he has been up Swarbrick's ass like a lap poodle.

It might be time to recognize that Dunne is a meddlesome lace curtain bull in a China shop. His influence seems pretty outsized.

I had hoped for Boo Corrigan. Now, that is informed by the fact that 35 years ago he and I were pretty tight and we used to keep in touch. But I also had the opportunity to speak with parents of players who played at schools where he served as AD. They were effusive in their praise of him and said that his entire focus is on the best interest of the students. They trusted him.

Why should we trust this lap dog kiss ass?
