If they are to be credited for success
by wearendhockey (2018-04-14 22:56:16)
Edited on 2018-04-15 12:18:02

In reply to: That freshman class scored half of the teams goals that year  posted by zahm82

in one season, they have to be held responsible for lack of it in subsequent years. The size of that class, and in my opinion the hype that accompanied them, was detrimental in following seasons. My opinion that the class was far too much of a clique and was not as welcoming to classes that followed them as the returning players in the 2010-2011 season were is shared by others.

Don't get me wrong, they were good college hockey players and weren't bad guys, I just think they were overhyped and did not live up to the hype by any stretch of the imagination. As well, 2 of those freshman had almost 2/3rds of the goals scored by freshmen, and the other 8 skaters had a third.
