His production really dropped off his senior season last
by zahm82 (2023-03-29 19:19:16)

In reply to: Providence F Patrick Moynihan coming in from Portal *  posted by ndmd99

year (7G 3A) but had 25 points his junior year so hopefully he regains that next year

Former NTDP and played w/ Slaggert on 2021 USA Gold WJC team
by ndmd99  (2023-03-30 09:45:14)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

Don't know much about him, but given the above I'm guessing (hoping) his speed/skating isn't a problem (which was an issue with last year's transfers).

And maybe he can start prepping the team/recruits for Leaman taking over the reins after JJ decides it's time to ride off into the sunset.

It's an interesting move roster-wise. As it currently strands, he makes 10F for next year (Slaggert, both Janickes, Carpenter, Strand, Bjork, Silianoff, Jovanovic, Williams, and Moynihan). So looks like there are 5 spots for freshmen.

I'd say Knuble/Ali/Fleming are locks. I've seen both 23/24 and 24/25 predictions for Danny Nelson, but he signed his LOI last Fall which makes me think he's coming next year. Which leaves 1 remaining spot.

Davis may be the fifth. Think he ages out of juniors. And I don't recall ever seeing an announcement of him signing a LOI (which makes me think he might be a walk-on and needed to balance out scholarships limits).

Graham Slaggert spent a year in USHL after the NTDP. Think Carter could benefit from the same path to see some better ice time.

I watched a couple Lincoln Star games recently. Thought Larrigan looked better than his scoring numbers appear. He has speed. And he and Ali are the top 2 forwards on Lincoln's USHL-best PK unit. So he could probably help us next year, but looking like the decision was to have him stay in USHL 1 more year and bring in Moynihan instead.

Article in today's Athletic about Landon Slaggert returning
by zahm82  (2023-03-31 15:18:11)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

to ND for senior season in part, so he can play a year with his younger brother. Carter would seem like an upgrade over some of the returning forwards perhaps?

Comes down to ice time projections
by ndmd99  (2023-03-31 19:13:49)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

When it comes to development, nobody wants to sit on the bench.

I'm projecting a lineup where we dress 12F and 7D nightly. Think we'll have 15F and 9D on the roster.

Looking at the forwards, I'd say L Slaggert, both Janickes, and Moynihan are probably projected firmly in the top-6 to start.

Next tier are Carpenter/Strand/Silianoff. Those guys are probably in the lineup somewhere (Top-6? Bottom-6?) Personally, I'd put Jovanovic in this tier as well (but I'm not sure the coaches see it the same). While guys in this tier are probably regulars somewhere in the lineup, they are at most risk for a freshman jumping ahead of them.

Knuble/Ali/Fleming/Nelson are probably expected to be in the lineup regularly to start (although it's still a guess for me that Nelson is coming next year -- if Nelson isn't coming in 23/24 then it'll probably be Larrigan/Slaggert that takes that spot).

I'd have Jovanovic as the 12th forward to start. Bjork, Williams, and the 5th incoming freshman will have to compete for this 12th spot just to get on the ice.

So what's best for Carter's development (same goes for Larrigan)? On the roster with ND but maybe not in the regular lineup (and not getting time on PP/PK)? Or in the USHL for anther year where he's probably getting top 6ish minutes and playing on special teams?

Scholarship limit also probably comes into play. Which is why Davis (walk-on?) would be the more likely fit as the 5th freshman in the class.

On D, we have 6 returnees (Boltmann, Bavaria, Plucinski, Helliwell, Mastrodomenico, and Weiss). Henry Nelson and Fischer are my expected "locks" coming in as freshmen. On twitter a few weeks back, Culver Academy congratulated Jaedon Kerr for committing to ND (no announcement from ND that I saw so think he's likely a walk-on). Think Kerr is the 3rd freshman coming in. Drew Mackie is signed, but I'd expect him to go USHL for 23/24 (think I read that somewhere too but not positive).

You make me a little more optimistic about next years squad *
by zahm82  (2023-03-31 20:43:37)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

Watch Knuble highlights if you're low on optimism
by ndmd99  (2023-03-31 21:48:58)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

Here's tonight's highlight.

Didn't see any of that this year! *
by zahm82  (2023-04-01 13:08:52)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

That's or sure......my new favorite player.... *
by Wolfetone  (2023-04-07 11:17:46)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post