Encyclopedia Brown :: Something old, something new
by BabaGhanouj (2022-06-19 10:11:49)
Edited on 2022-06-19 10:16:49

The appropriate line seems to be that from a Robert Burns poem, "To a Mouse": “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men. Gang aft a-gley”. (the best laid plans of mice and men go oft astray)

Back in 2016, no one could have known how the fortunes of those three would fare.

I have a few thoughts about "Encyclopedia Brown", who at 15, was given that moniker by her teammates on the U17 USA team. But mostly I have questions.

° Jenna wants to play in the WNBA. Does she think playing here, behind Olivia (and Dara) will give her the best shot?
° How many years of college eligibility will Jenna be permitted? Jenna has only played 452 minutes in college and played in only 2 seasons, but didn't play in the Covid year.
° Jenna has always been a point guard and loves to run the show. What roll will she play this coming season?
° As SorinBasement said, "Steph Curry couldn’t uproot Mabrey." Jenna's high school background makes Dara look like a team manager, but Dara's college career makes Jenna's look the same. Jenna is a point guard, but she is also a well built 5-10, athletic guard. Who will show up as Jenna Brown this season?