Ha ha ha ha! Yeah, bring on the pettiness.
by BabaGhanouj (2018-12-05 20:19:50)
Edited on 2018-12-05 20:45:13

In reply to: A whole different take on "losing poise:  posted by NDLAW88

I don't get enough of it at work, the internet, ESPN articles, celebrity tweets, men's sports coverage, or 13 or 14 pages of Boneyarders posting about tweets. Let's shed everything of worth and dive into pettiness. Just what women's basketball needs. Why should it be different than any other human interaction? After all, that's where the money and fame reside—in pettiness. Grow the sport by focusing on pettiness! Brilliant! That's the epitome of hilarious, whether they are serious or not.

This is an Onion article, right? It's so true, it must be.

"Building a civilization is difficult, destroying it is easy.”
