Baba's addition to a partial list of laws
by BabaGhanouj (2020-06-10 08:18:22)
Edited on 2020-06-10 08:20:03

We have the normal scientific laws, such as gravity (“It’s not only a good idea, it’s the law!”), and then, with the internet, we have what might be referred to as threaded online discussion laws (Reddit Laws?).

The most famous of these is Godwin’s law - As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches 1.

However, there are many others. Some of my favorites:

Cunningham’s Law - The best way to get a correct answer to a posed question is to post the wrong answer and wait for someone to correct you.

Betteridge’s Law - Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered with the word ’no’.

Layne’s Law - A)Every debate is over the definition of a word, B)Every debate eventually degenerates into debating the definition of a word C)Once a debate degenerates to debating the definition of a word, the debate is debatably over.

Law of the Echo Chamber - If you feel comfortable enough to post an opinion of any importance on any given Internet site, you are most likely delivering that opinion to people who already agree with you.

Corollary to the Law of the Echo Chamber is Monroe's Law (Randall Munroe publishes xkcd comic, which in my humble opinion is the funniest, cleverest comic since Calvin and Hobbes.) -

Baba’s Law - As any discussion on women’s basketball grows longer, the probability of seeing the solution as the need for post players approaches 1.
