You're comparing WW2 Japan and Germany to Palestine?
by mocopdx (2023-10-18 12:19:43)

In reply to: Gaza is going to be flattened and the residents relocated  posted by airborneirish

1. Palestine has a legitimate claim to the land they desire. Japan and Germany did not.

2. Palestinians at large do not support Hamas.

"In reality, polling conducted prior to the most recent outbreak of violence showed that Gazans prefer virtually every alternative political group over Hamas. Most Gazans wanted Hamas to stop calling for the destruction of Israel and instead move forward with a two-state solution. An even larger share hoped Hamas would continue abiding by its cease-fire with Israel. Contrary to Israeli President Herzog’s insinuations, this was not a conflict Gazans were looking for. Hamas’s actions do not represent the expressed will or interests of most Gazans. These are demonstrable facts.

It’s also true that, for more than a decade, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has explicitly sought to bolster Hamas in order to divide Palestinians against one another and discredit the Palestinian cause. As recently as 2019, Netanyahu is on record telling Likud Party representatives in the Knesset that “anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is a part of our strategy.” Indeed, it has been part of Israeli hard-liners’ strategy since Hamas’s origin."

Yes, Hamas is an evil organization that we should hope is eliminated. Going scorched Earth on all of Gaza in an attempt to do so is inhumane and wrong.
