I'm sure you will. You seem like that kind of guy.
by NDMike2001 (2018-02-27 11:56:38)

In reply to: I’ll look for similar posts from you responding to all the  posted by Rusty

In case I have not made myself clear, I'll lay it out there for your clearly.

1. My reference to Notre Dame (yes, including the football team) as "we" is well-founded in logic insofar as I have and continue to be a part of Notre Dame as most anyone that has attended the school. Although there are exceptions for those that actually do not feel a part of the school. Nonetheless, my reference to Notre Dame is a rather prevailing though.

2. My acceptance of Notre Dame sub-alums as "we" is one of both tolerance in everyday life and even more so on a Notre Dame fan website.

3. Discussing a completely unrelated entity and doing so on a Notre Dame site as "we" is just weird.

4. The burden of proof is on all Man U fans to rebut the presumption that they are douchey bandwagon fanboys.
