Rohrer ran great....
by ErikND96 (2016-11-19 12:59:13)
Edited on 2016-11-19 13:01:07

In reply to: Team 11th over all...10pts shy of top 10. (link)  posted by IrishThinclad

... broke away inside a mile to go... the rest were just hoping she'd fade in the long homestretch, and she did every so slightly in that she was at her max and didn't have a kick. Mizzouri girl who won came out of nowhere. I love the way Rohrer races - so aggresively, I have full confidence she'll win this race before she's done

As a team, the women were 7th at the last split - and their 5th runner lost 30 spots in the final stretch. As was the case all season, a very low score for their top 3 of Rohrer, Heffernan and Aragon (3rd lowest 3 person score in meet, after OU and UM who finished 1-2 in team title)... then a massive drop (by comparison: CU and Oregon's 7th runner would have scored as our 4th runner).

CU's Erin Clark - 131st? WTF?

Irony: Erin Clark of CU is from Eugene, Or & top UO runner
by Domerduck  (2016-11-20 12:33:54)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

Katie Rainsberger is from Colorado Springs. She's a freshman at U of O, finished 4th behind ND's Anna Rohrer and had the race of her life after being sick at regionals (see article from Denver post attached). Erin Clark who was one of Colorado's top runners said the following in a different Post article: “I feel really awful right now because I didn’t do my job for this team today, and I wish I could have,” Clark, a senior from Eugene, Ore., said through tears. “The gun went off, and pretty quickly it went downhill from there. I don’t really know why. Within the first mile, something about my legs, they just felt so heavy.”

Colorado had been ranked #1 all year and Oregon was ranked #12, which by winning was the largest rise to the NC by a xcountry team ever. The previous record was set when No. 4 Georgetown won in 2011. Colorado had dominated Oregon at the PAC12 championships this year with 33 points where the Ducks had 88 points and were 4th (also behind Washington and Stanford)). Oregon actually qualified with an at large bid since Stanford and UW were the automatic qualifiers from the West regional. Colorado won the Mountain region to qualify, putting all 5 scorers in the top10.

Crazy result. Very unexpected.

Get the 3 sophs who scored well on teams that didn't qualify
by Domerduck  (2016-11-19 20:18:51)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

to xfr to ND. #5 Lokedi (Kansas) , #6 Peloquin (BSU), and #11 Receveur (Indiana) were all on teams that didn't qualify. Pair them with Anna and Annie H, also both sophomores and we would have a National Championship in 2 years as I assume they would have to sit out one year). This year those 5 would have scored 59 and would have had less than half the Ducks National Championship score. I am sure all schools try to do things like that but I was just conjecturing.

Still Colorado already has 5 Freshman and Sophomores who scored and helped them get 3rd less than 10 points behind much older Oregon who scored with 3 seniors & 1 junior and Michigan (1 senior and 3 juniors).

By the way does anyone know if Christina Aragon (Freshman from Stanford who ran 38th overall) is ND's Danielle Aragon's younger sister who was 52nd overall. Just curious. S

Boise St has Allie Ostrander (SO)
by jclay  (2016-11-20 08:04:16)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

She was 2nd last year as a freshman to Molly, but red shirted this year due to injury.

I think Boise has a pretty good core for the next 2-3 years.

She is; ran a ridiculous 4:08 1500m in HS last year...
by ErikND96  (2016-11-19 20:49:02)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

... dissapointing she didn't choose ND (in that her dad was a sub 4 miler at ND, and her 2 older sister ran/run at ND), but can't really argue that someone made a poor choice choosing Stanford for academics and running.

What happened to ND FR Maryjeanne Gilbert this season (she was 2nd at Foot Locker Nationals last year) - would have thought she'd have made top 7.

ND Men's transfer-outs Clevenger and Ball finished 60th and 81st... of course, no current ND man qualified.