I hope this balances out over time
by BmoreIrish (2021-04-07 11:45:44)

In reply to: We're fast approaching the time ...  posted by CJC

I agree with all of your points, well said.

My hope is that the "newness" of this ability to transfer will lead to higher numbers than we see in the future. I think we will start to see some combination of a) transfers heading to other pastures that turn out not to be greener, and b) coaches being more selective about transfers so as not to upset their team chemistry. I think b is important, as before transfers had to earn their stripes with the team by sitting a year out. Now, there are more likely to be hard feelings from players who have been paying their dues. After a while, I think coaches will realize that sometimes that will be a net negative.

Like you, I do not begrudge the players in the least and I hope this hits some sort of equilibrium.