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Not anymore. Lots of guys are moving down into by Steelhop
the club ranks. The women's head coach at Hopkins just "retired" and became a consultant to club teams. He's probably making about the same amount of money as he was at Bryant.
TBH, that is were all the money is. Lots of private capital getting involved in youth sports. As demented at that is to type it isn't just lax but lots of youth sports. He doesn't have to deal with the headaches of NIL and the NCAA (or whatever it becomes down the road_. Here he only has to deal with parents. Though that has its own set of challenges at the youth level.
It also isn't surprising that he is coaching at a private HS and likely a club director for a travel team. The most successful HS teams (and most of those are private) are quasi-affiliated with some type of travel/club lax team. It isn't a complete overlap as BI's grandson demonstrates but lots of HS coaches that run club teams try to keep some overlap between their HS rosters and club team.