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Brilliant? Hardly. by WrathofSorin

There was just too much bad and lazy writing for me to call it brilliant.

Sansa and Daenerys have a conversation.
Sansa: What are you going to do about the North?
(convenient interruption so the writers don't have to flush out their disagreement further)

Jon for some reason decides to tell Daenerys about his true identity literally 45 seconds before the battle is going to begin.
(convenient interruption so we don't see the fallout of this)

What was so great about the first few books (and the first few seasons of the show) was that the motivations of the characters made sense and there was a certain unpredictability of who would die and what would happen next.

Now, Theon and Grey Worm (and a few others) might as well be wearing a neon sign stating "DEAD MEN WALKING." It's boring and predictable and just feels false to me.

Many of the scenes just came across as bad fan fiction.

The episode had its moments, but I wouldn't consider it brilliant at all.