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PTSD ... by CJC

The seeming onslaught of horrific losses since Holtz left had me convinced that Notre Dame had lost a lot of games to teams with losing records.

So I decided to check it out. And when I learned that Brennan only lost twice to teams with losing records (both in the 2-8 Hornung Heisman season of 1956), I was certain that would compare favorably with some of our more recent heroes.

Not exactly. Here you go ....

Brennan (2) -- SMU and Purdue in '56

Ara (1) -- Purdue, in his final season, 1974

Devine (2) -- Georgia Tech in '76 and Ole Miss in the '77 national championship seasosn

Faust (3) -- Purdue in '81, MSU in '83 and Purdue in '85 -- hey, Gerry wins the prize!

Holtz (1) -- Stanford in '90

Davie (3) -- Stanford in '97, Pitt in '99 and MSU in '00 -- keeping up with Gerry

Tyrone (1) -- BYU in '04 -- I knew we didn't give this guy enough time!

Chuckles (3) -- MSU in '05, Syracuse in '08 (that should count for two, at least) and Michigan in '09 (that should count for 10)

Kelly (1) -- USF in '11