Post Reply to McGraw's Bench

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I watch the entire So. Carolina - Miss. State. game. by sixtythreer

Last evening, So. Carolina shot better than its average from three-point land.

Last night, So. Carolina made 10 of 25 three's. They shot 40% from three. Harris went 4 for 8.

For the season, So. Carolina has shot 32.6% from three. For the season, Harris is 21 of 61 from three., or 34.4%. Cooper is 21 of 71 or 28.2%. Cuevas-Moore is 13 of 42 or 31%.

My first point is, that if the team had shot its 32.6% average, the margin of loss would have been a bit bigger.

That being said, I was impressed with the speed of their three (point) guards who are on the floor at the same time. Especially in the first half, time and again Harris and Cooper slashed from the wing and down the lane for layups Miss. State made that harder in the 2nd half. For that reason, next time they play I think Miss. St. will win by 20.

My more important point is, I think we can handle So. Caroline, if we meet them. Miss. St. will be a tougher win.