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Update on Baba by dillon77

Baba and I sometimes reach out to each other (via other media), in part because we work together on the recruiting update and chart.

The recent postings on his whereabouts have led to some back and forths between, so here's some feedback from him:

- First, he's AOK (which is perhaps the most important thing...).

- Baba's been suspended from posting on McGraw's Bench. And, to paraphrase him, "perhaps forgetten about (by the moderators)."

- He wanted " let the benchers know what happened, that I’m fine and still reading their posts."

Dillon's Druthers (and these are meant in a constructive manner):
- While one can't be certain of what exactly precipitated this, I think back to the threads on Jackie Young deciding to go pro or not. I seem to recall a strong defense on the values of education on Baba's part.
- Now if Baba violated a certain rule and needed a timeout, suspension, those are the rules of the board. But it's been awhile....
- Personally, I would hope that Baba would be allowed access to ND Nation again because he brings a sense of reasoned logic, maturity, wit and (often different) perspective that keeps McGraw's Bench both vibrant and civilized.
- Which often compares to another site I take part in, where numerous contributors could probably be sued for slander simply by breathing, let alone putting cyber-words to posts. Compared to them, Baba is a 7/8-glass-full kind of guy.
- Plus, the pre-game puzzles are the best!

Cross fingers, think good thoughts and stay tuned...