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She absolutely shakes off her misses which is why she still by Domerduck

can make those big shots, which is what we love about her and what she did at ND.

I am hopeful has a great WNBA career. I replied to a post on Rock's House early in June of the top 10 athletes of all time from Wisconsin which included Rocky Blier. I feel Arike should be over Henning of Stanford (who was in the top 10) since she scored more points in Wisconsin high school and was also a multisport star in the state (soccer). You can see my athoughts in the attached link. A great WNBA career will cement that. She is already starting well with ROM as well as breaking Swoopes record and approaching Maya Moore's, so she is on her way. Those two will certainly be in the HOF.

Great article on Arike which puts it all in perspective. Her, Ruth, and Sky are definitely the top 3 women ballers of all time at doubt.