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July’s over by CrazyMary

With the final eval period now over, it’s interesting that Duke, UK, KU, Carolina etc never watched him. Despite him saying Duke/UK were dream-like schools. Guessing many of them view him as more top 50 type vs top 10. Don’t think there’s any question or coincidence he was waiting to see who watched him this period before cutting his list down tomorrow. IU basically half-assed watched him over the weekend as I don’t think they even suspect they have a chance nor do they seem remotely concerned about it. OSU didn’t go crazy either. Very weird recruitment. Obviously, he has a OSU senior-year OV already scheduled beginning of Sept. Wonder if that ultimately changes.

Just taking a total stab in the dark on his “list”: MSU, Purdue, ND, OSU, Gonzaga. Maybe Oregon/Auburn and IU. Just a guess who knows. I could see Gonzaga showing him what they did with Holmgren and that really enticing him as a finesse 6’11” guy who plays the perimeter and shoots a lot three-point shooters.