Profile for BIZDOMER09 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5'11 Weight:  170 lbs. Alumni Status:  mba
Location:  central NJ Favorite Baseball Team:  Cubs
Natural Enemies:  ennui, procrastination

Athletic Ability: I can’t jump as high or move as much weight at once as I could 25 years ago, but I’m in much better shape now.

Sartorial Style: Casual, comfortable, simple.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Athletic Brewing Co NA beers, several varieties. At the end of most days.

Political Philosophy: Slight left (-1.2) <— this is old. At this point, I actually have no idea where I stand on any political continuum. I thought there could be nothing more despicable than Trump and MAGA-ism. Now we have progressives aligning with Hamas. I am a Protestant, but I detest the political alignment of evangelical Christianity with MAGA-ism, which has subsumed the right. I think identity matters in many contexts, but I detest identity politics taken to the extreme, as is the case with the left. I’ll wait for sanity to return somewhere, but am not seeing it anywhere now.

Religious Philosophy: Christian.

Please no Christian Nationalism (which is a perversion of Christianity... first commandment) or prosperity gospel.

Musical Favorites: Bruce, Airborne Toxic Event

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach:

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