Profile for BRUUCE Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5' 11 Weight:  190 lbs. Alumni Status:  Class '78; Gov't & Internat'l Rel'ns
Location:  Ardmore, Pa. Favorite Baseball Team:  Phillies
Natural Enemies: 

Athletic Ability: To quote Chi Chi Rodriguez,"The older I get, the better I used to be."

Sartorial Style:

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Bacardi Select & Coke; vin red; Guinness

Political Philosophy: Yes

Religious Philosophy: Not really

Musical Favorites: Bruuce (that's not music; that's religion); Neil Young, with or without others; Pearl Jam; DMB; Dylan; Burt Bachrach; the Chairman; zillion others

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: Toss up between Lou Holtz on video-conference during Gerry Faust' last game: "Notre Dame will rise like a phoenix from these ashes", and Digger Phelps, while he & his wife were hosting a post Literary Festival gathering at his home, interrupting a guest author's 'reading' to exclaim: "Literature! That's not literature! You want literature, listen to this!" and then proceeding to rip through a selection from his then new book.

Miscellaneous Data: Proud dad of 3 kids, including our oldest who graduated from ND, and two younger ones from Penn State.