Profile for DOMER84 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5' 8 Weight:  lbs. Alumni Status:  BS Pre-professional 1984
Location:  Nashville, TN Favorite Baseball Team:  Cubs ( to the extent I have a favorite)
Natural Enemies:  Too many to enumerate.

Athletic Ability: Bad knees, out of shape, torn rotator cuff...not good.

Sartorial Style: Gordon Gekko at work, Jimmy Buffet at home.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: MMMM.Beer. And Jack and Coke.

Political Philosophy: Right of Lenin, left of Hitler.

Religious Philosophy: Cradle Catholic (as they say in the South). I have that classic reverence/cynicism of one raised in a parish in the city of Chicago.

Musical Favorites: R&B (think Wilson Pickett, not Usher), Bluegrass, Better than Ezra, Will Hoge, Big Band music particularly Benny Goodman, Cajun/Zydeco.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: "Today is the day and you are that team"

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