Profile for IAIRISH Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  6' 3.5 Weight:  230 lbs. Alumni Status:  Class of '74
Location:  Davenport, Iowa Favorite Baseball Team:  White Sox ,ND and Assumption High School
Natural Enemies:  USC, Michigan

Athletic Ability: Aging tennis player with a bum knee

Sartorial Style: Prefer casual.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: 10 years ago all alcohol started giving me migrane headaches.( which is my purgatory on earth) Prefer Coke (with lemon) over Pepsi.

Political Philosophy: Started out very conservative. First vote was for Nixon. Voted for Reagan. Now I've become much more liberal and vote mostly Democratic. Still pro life but not a one issue voter. I believe W is the worst president (easily) in my lifetime. Very worried about his deficits and his reckless foreign policy. Believe Republican and Democratic labels are not very helpful. Prefer to think in terms of the "haves" and "have nots". Using this political prism, I don't see either party doing much for the "have nots" but I believe the Republican party has become openly hostile to them lately.

Religious Philosophy: Roman Catholic. Spiritually, I am a work in progress.
The older I get, the more I appreciate the beauty of my religion(if not all its leaders).

Musical Favorites: Love the '60's. Also love folk rock. Dan Fogleberg. Beatles (mostly early stuff). Depending on my mood, I can appreciate almost all music except jazz and gangsta rap.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: Leahy: "Son, you have a full scholarship to the University of Notre Dame" , to my father in 1944.

Miscellaneous Data: Will I experience another football NC in my lifetime?