Profile for IRISHEYE71 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  6-1 Weight:  215 lbs. Alumni Status:  Class of 1971 -- BA in Communication Arts
Location:  West Homestead, PA Favorite Baseball Team:  Pittsburgh Pirates
Natural Enemies:  USC, Michigan, Pitt

Athletic Ability: Played high school baseball, CYO basketball, football/basketball intramurals at ND. Longtime grade school basketball coach (boys & girls).

Sartorial Style: N/A

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Enjoy beer in moderation (all sorts -- crafts, etc.)

Political Philosophy: Middle of the road -- registered Democrat, but I see positives and negatives with both parties.

Religious Philosophy: Devout Roman Catholic (Eucharistic Minister, Lector, coordinator for parish's marriage class)

Musical Favorites: College fight songs (seriously) and "oldies" ('60s & '70s)

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: "Hey, those guys give scholarships, too." -- Lou Holtz

Miscellaneous Data: I've followed ND football since my earliest days (Born during the 1949 National Championship season). I'm a former ND Observer Sports Editor and wrote and served as an assistant sports editor at Pittsburgh's two major newspapers for more than 40 years.