Profile for KORMAL Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  Weight:  lbs. Alumni Status:  '04, '07
Location:  IL Favorite Baseball Team:  Cubs
Natural Enemies:  H R Pickens

Athletic Ability: I was born seven months too early. Incubation technology was in its infancy. I was placed in a cast iron pot inside of a pizza oven until I was ripe enough to walk. My bones never hardened but my spirit did.

Sartorial Style:

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Swine livers and Capri Suns

Political Philosophy: For 82 years I have been an oil man, a ‘baron’ some have called me. Now what does an oil barren do? The answer…crush your enemies! Grind their bones into dirt! Make them regret that they were ever born!

Religious Philosophy: Oil is not for the weak. It is the Earth’s milk, and only the strong may suckle at Mother’s teat.

Musical Favorites:

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: Be strong and crush your enemies!

Miscellaneous Data: I outlived you, Mr. Pickens! I crushed you into the ground and now your bones turn to oil beneath my living feet! I married your granddaughter, filled her belly with my festering seed and sired a boy! He is my final revenge, H.R.