Profile for LUVND |
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Height: |
Weight: lbs. |
Alumni Status: SMC grad; classes at ND |
Location: DC metropolitan area |
Favorite Baseball Team: None to speak of now; Orioles in the day but my favorite sport team was the |
Natural Enemies: Clothes that seem to have shrunk :-) and work that sucks the life out of you |
Athletic Ability: |
Played "powder puff/flag" football at SMC. (Went out for it when I learned a certain ND QB was going to be the coach.) Enjoyed skiing, tennis, just a little golf (it takes too long to get good). Now I regularly do pilates and run/jog 3 - 4 times per week. That's it except when I put on the dancing shoes, then there's no stopping me. I would like to take up horseback riding. |
Sartorial Style: |
Love to dress up -romantic at heart. Otherwise, the usual everyday stuff... smart casual to grubby. |
Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: |
Beer - Guinness, Copperhead Ale (especially with steamed spiced hard shell crabs); Wine- champagne or prosecco any time, I like the Argentinian reds I have tasted lately; Hard liquor - in the winter it's scotch (occcasionally bourbon) -in summer it's G&T (occasionally limoncello). Tea everyday. |
Political Philosophy: |
I don't like politics...(diplomacy-yes, politics as practiced today-not so much). There is a paucity of integrity in that arena at all levels. No party's platform is a winner with me. |
Religious Philosophy: |
Raised Catholic. Time and experience have lead me to be open to others' beliefs as well. I believe in something greater than I that precedes me and dwells within and among us.But there are times I get really angry at the state of organized religion (not just Roman Catholic) today. Intolerance is way too prevalent making for a very sad state of affairs. Too much harm has been and continues to be done in the name of religion. |
Musical Favorites: |
Great variety...classical, rhythm and blues, some Latin, definitely swing and some pop. |
Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: |
No favorites...I just want a winner with class. |
Miscellaneous Data: |
Am an ND football SMC/ND friends say they no longer buy football programs as long as I am seated next to them in the stands on game day. I enjoy life and try to live each day in an interesting way. I paint for enjoyment, write for amusement. My most rewarding experience has been as mother, teacher (ranging from kindergarten to university and professional education), and living with an outrageously funny and talented spouse. |