Profile for MGARV Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  Weight:  lbs. Alumni Status:  1972
Location:  NYC via the Burgh Favorite Baseball Team:  Beat 'em Bucs!
Natural Enemies:  None

Athletic Ability: Limited. Occasional golfer.

Sartorial Style: Generally casual. Rarely wear a tie or jacket.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Plymouth gin martini, but like bourbon, rye and beer as well.

Political Philosophy: Right of center. I try to be nonjudgmental and listen to other points of view. Currently disgusted with both political parties.

Religious Philosophy: Practicing Catholic

Musical Favorites: Classic rock through Sinatra to Mozart

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: God doesn't care if Notre Dame wins, but His Mother does - Lou Holtz.

Miscellaneous Data: Had a 27 year career with the FDNY.