Profile for ND8486 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5-10 Weight:  199ish lbs. Alumni Status:  '84 BA and '86MBA
Location:  Sunny South Bend Favorite Baseball Team:  Cubs
Natural Enemies:  Slackers

Athletic Ability: Minimal. Gave up organized football in 6th grade. Relieved that my kids are interested in sports.

Sartorial Style: Polo's, Dockers, & ND gear. Extreme casual at work from home office.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Single Malts for occasional sipping. My new affliction is Rye.

Political Philosophy: Quiet.

Religious Philosophy: Catholic.

Musical Favorites: Big band swing, Samba, classic jazz.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: Best Wishes,
Lou Holtz

Miscellaneous Data: Although not a legacy, we have had some family at ND from 1907 until late 90's.
Next generation arrived 2009. Married a SMC/Domer - "Hammer"

Eldest son part of the class of 2020.
Second son part of the class of 2021.
Daughter is now part of class of 2024.