Profile for NDANAJONES Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  6' Weight:  210 lbs. Alumni Status:  BA, 1996
Location:  Charlottesville, VA Favorite Baseball Team:  Yanquis
Natural Enemies:  Sportswriters and sportscasters who abuse the English language.

Athletic Ability: I'm in shape, and the shape I have chosen is "sphere".

Sartorial Style: My mother dresses me funny.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Beer, preferably from independent brewers. Brooklyn and Bell's currently can do no wrong in my book.

Political Philosophy: I hate politics, especially party politics. I'd rather debate individual issues than subscribe to a rote party line.

Religious Philosophy: Lapsed Catholic.

Musical Favorites: My holy trinity: Shane MacGowan, Johnny Cash, and Tom Waits. I also have a burgeoning obsession with early soul and '50s/'60s (and '50s/'60s-style) garage rock. And Herb Alpert. No, seriously.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: "You know why I love the Dillon Pep Rally? Because of the guys in the white suits in front!" - Lou Holtz, Dillon Pep Rally, 1992

Miscellaneous Data: I just want to tell you good luck. We're all counting on you.