Profile for NDMD89 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  6 Weight:  190 lbs. Alumni Status:  BS 89
Location:  Georgia Favorite Baseball Team:  Cubs
Natural Enemies:  Cancer, land pirates, hypocrites

Athletic Ability: Mediocre at many different sports. More quantity than quality.

Sartorial Style: What is that latin or something?

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Bloody Marys, especially if hung over.
Red wine/beer on weekends.

Political Philosophy: Flexibly center right.

Religious Philosophy: Catholic

Musical Favorites: Varied.
Dylan, Smiths, U2, Elvis Costello, Replacements, Ryan Adams, Boss

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach:

Miscellaneous Data: 3rd generation domer. Hoping to not be the last.