Profile for NORIGHTTURNONRED Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  6'1 Weight:  230 lbs. Alumni Status:  2006
Location:  St. Louis Favorite Baseball Team:  St. Louis Cardinals
Natural Enemies:  The Cubs, their fans, their stadium and their city.

Athletic Ability: The leisure sports.

Sartorial Style:

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Any cold beer at any time.

Political Philosophy: I just want honest, hardworking people in government.

Religious Philosophy: Roman Catholic, but I'm not a good one.

Musical Favorites: Super-loud repetitive music that hasn't changed since the mid-90's.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: "That's why I'm not having kids for a long time." - Brian Polian, upon watching Coach Ianello's son run up and down the aisle of the team bus.

Miscellaneous Data: I've lost interest in filling out this loser's profile.