Profile for RGVIRISH Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  Short Weight:  Fat lbs. Alumni Status:  1978
Location:  Third World Texas Favorite Baseball Team:  Astros
Natural Enemies:  Mich,USC, extreme evangelicals

Athletic Ability: None now. Barely had any in HS. Rode the pine in HS basketball.

Sartorial Style: Scrubs for work. Try to look like a cowboy when heading to ranch.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: I have the occasional beer, wine, or scotch.
On weekends, Dos Equis, local craft beers, and Bud Light (the national beer of Tejanos for now.)

Political Philosophy: " Green Dog Democrat" ( Yellow socially, blue economically).

Religious Philosophy: Trying to stay in the Church. Getting tougher with everything that's been exposed.
Also, it would really help me to see a burning bush someday.

Musical Favorites: All over the place. Except Opera or classical. I enjoy them, but I don't know a lot about them.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach:

Miscellaneous Data: I'm a Tejano and that shapes my political and religious beliefs.