Profile for SORIN07 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  Weight:  lbs. Alumni Status:  BBA '78
Location:  Florida Favorite Baseball Team:  Cubs
Natural Enemies:  Cardinals, Trojans, White Sox

Athletic Ability: Bengal Bouts 1977

Sartorial Style:

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Samuel Adams, Guinness,
Presidente (when working in the Caribbean),
Cab, Zin or Shiraz,
Margaritas, Painkillers

Political Philosophy: Member of The Whethermen - Sorin College 1974-75,
Member of the Sorin 7 - booted out of Sorin College by Dean Roemer Oct '76

Religious Philosophy: "Don't wait for the judgement day, my friend - it takes place every day." Albert Camus

Musical Favorites: The Who, Allman Brothers Band, The Pretenders, Marshall Tucker Band

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: WIN: What's Important Now (Lou)

Miscellaneous Data: Live in S Florida
Work in St. Thomas, Hawaii and Florida