Profile for TEXFRANCISCO |
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Height: 6'1 |
Weight: 200 lbs. |
Alumni Status: 2001 |
Location: Tampa Bay Area |
Favorite Baseball Team: Astros |
Natural Enemies: |
Athletic Ability: |
Sartorial Style: |
Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: |
Political Philosophy: |
I dislike Democrats slightly less than I like dislike Republicans. |
Religious Philosophy: |
The only thing worse than religion is a society without religion. |
Musical Favorites: |
Journey, Madonna, Alabama |
Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: |
Miscellaneous Data: |
"I served my country. I played high school football, four touchdowns in one game, yet I'm not exempt from state and federal taxes. Is this any way America should treat its heroes?" Al Bundy |