Profile for TXSUBWAY Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5' 9 Weight:  190 lbs. Alumni Status:  Family
Location:  Ft. Myers Favorite Baseball Team:  Phillies
Natural Enemies:  Lawyers and politicians

Athletic Ability: Reduced to golf

Sartorial Style: Same as high school-khakis, button down, etc.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: G&T

Political Philosophy: Probably Libertarian

Religious Philosophy: Catholic, but used up my Mass allotment through 16 years of catholic school. Love the ideas, but hate the organization.

Musical Favorites: Queen, 70's

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach:

Miscellaneous Data: Was at the 66 10-10 tie, was at the Chicken Soup Cotton Bowl, was at the Pat O'brian pep rally.